
Born in 1989, Eugenia graduated with full marks and honors in Piano at the “G. Cantelli” Conservatory of Novara under the guidance of Maestro Vincenzo Cerutti; in November 2013, she obtained the II Level Academic Diploma in piano with 110 cum laude, under the guidance of Maestro Luca Schieppati. Subsequently, she attended master classes with Maestro Piernarciso Masi at the Academy of Music in Florence.

In 2021 she obtained the II Level Academic Diploma in jazz piano with Oscar Del Barba (“G. Verdi” Conservatory of Milan); she also studied with Mario Rusca, Paolo Alderighi and Marco Detto; in 2018 Dado Moroni awarded her a scholarship to the Nuoro Jazz seminars where, the following year, she received the one for Big Band Direction from Agostino Frassetto; she attended courses held by Hans Ludemann, Arrigo Cappelletti, Ralph Alessi, Attilio Zanchi, Alberto Mandarini, Riccardo Luppi, Aly Keitha, Diego Borotti, Cinzia Roncelli, Emilio Marinelli; she studied jazz arrangement and composition with Pino Jodice.

Eugenia is the founder (2016) and piano performer of jazz “Thetis Trio”, which has produced original projects and records as “Bolinhas” (2017) and “Plus (2020). Since 2018 Eugenia has a stable chromatic harmonica-piano duo with Max De Aloe; she has also played with Paolo Tomelleri, Nicola Stranieri and, since 2019, she has been director of the Maxentia Big Band and of the “Magenta Jazz Festival”.

In the classical music field, she carries out an intense concert activity both as a soloist and in chamber ensembles. In duo with the flutist M° Chiara Pavan she won several competitions including the VII National Prize of Arts (Chamber Music category) at the “Tartini” Conservatory of Trieste, the “Nuovi Orizzonti” International Competition in Arezzo (1st Prize), the “City of Riccione” Competition (1st Prize), the “Gaetano Zinetti” International Competition of Sanguinetto (1st Absolute Prize), the “Antonio Bertolini Prize” (1st Absolute Prize), the Milan Humanitarian Society Competition, the “Luigi Nono” of Venaria (1st Absolute Prize) and many others.

During her training she attended chamber music courses held by Maestro Masi in Lucca and Florence, as well as at the Conservatory of Italian Switzerland in Lugano, under the guidance of Maestro Mario Ancillotti. She is also the winner of the “Master of Musical Talents” scholarship organized by the CRT Foundation of Turin.

In Italy, Eugenia has played for some of the most prestigious concert series: the Roman Philharmonic Academy, Palazzo Reale in Genoa, Palazzo Cavagnis in Venice, Milan Music Evenings, Piano City Milan (Villa Litta), Spazio Teatro ’89 in Milan, Sala Vanni in Florence (“Suoni Riflessi”), Mendrisio Music Room, Conservatory of Italian Switzerland, “G. Cantelli” Conservatory of Novara, “Tartini” Conservatory of Trieste, University of Genoa, “Amici di Campo lo Feno” Association (Elba Island), The “Alfieri” Theater of Turin, the Teatro del Popolo of Milan, the Lyric Theater of Magenta, the Tallone Hall (Orta San Giulio), the Government Palace of Trieste, the Villa Borromeo Visconti Litta of Lainate, the Hall of the Frescoes of the Humanitarian Society, Palazzo Zacco of Piacenza, Courts of Capitanata of Foggia, Conservatory “Cilea” of Reggio Calabria, the Mauriziano of Reggio Emilia, Teatro Nuovo of Verona, Conservatory of Verona, Museum of “Vela” of Mendrisio, Basilica of San Gaudenzio of Novara, Villa Camozzi of Como, San Francesco delle Monache in Naples (Domus Ars).

Eugenia often performs abroad: she has played in Budapest (Old Parliament), Eger (Conservatory), Pecs (University), Marseille, Zagreb, Cologne, Athens, Valletta (Manoel Theater), Amsterdam.

She has a stable duo with the violinist Pirro Gjikondi, with whom she tackles the great romantic literature for violin and piano and carries out research activities in the context of less explored repertoires: in February 2019 the duo undertakes a work to recover part of the chamber production of Felice Lattuada, performing for the first time the “Romanza” for violin and piano and also promoting the dissemination of his piano works. This research project was presented at the XVI Convegno Internazionale di Analisi e Teoria Musicale (International Conference of Music Analysis and Theory) by GATM in Rimini on October 30th, 2021 (